Hiya, Carole here. I've been thinking a lot about the performing arts industry, as we find ourselves in uncharted territory with theatres closed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nobody knows when we’ll be able to get back on the stage. The only choice we have is to be ready when the doors open. To be prepared. But how do we do that? We have no dates, we have no cast, no designers, no rehearsal schedule. Throughout history, in every aspect of life and business, we learn that those who survive are those who adapt.
Well, I have a suggestion: Staged Readings to the Rescue.
What are the advantages of Staged Readings –
especially at this moment in time?
They're flexible - They don’t require much lead time or financial investment.
You Can Use Existing Material – Do a little market research. Find out what your audiences have been missing the most and look for plays that speak to that.
You Can Use Existing Resources – Enlist your audience’s favorite actors. Find plays that suit their talents.
They're Low Key – Readings are a low key way to help your staff, (ushers, box office, etc.) learn how to navigate the new health and safety practices for hosting groups in an enclosed space.
Simple Engagement – When theatres are allowed to reopen, your first full production still won't be ready for another 6 weeks. How will you keep your audience engaged? What are you going to do between the time doors can be opened - and your first full production? Staged Readings are a great way to fill the gap.
I am hoping that the ideas in "Staged Reading Magic", mine along with those of some of the pros I’ve gotten to work with over the years – including Michael Bennett and Bob Fosse – will encourage and inspire ideas of your own.
Until next time,
